Our 'Components' webpage is currently undergoing development to bring you comprehensive information on each component.

Stay tuned as we work diligently to enhance your browsing experience. In the meantime, should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to us using the contact information provided below. We encourage you to follow us on social media for updates on our progress. We appreciate your patience and continued interest in our offerings!


The BurstBuster™ accelerates the fish in a forward direction without any effort required of the fish. The name comes from the fact that with this component the fish does not need to burst swim to move past a barrier. Repeated burst swimming as is required by a fish ladder, robs the fish of its energy reserves and can lead to pre-spawning mortality.


The stainless steel modular Y gates can be arranged in combination for 2-7 lanes. Each Y Gate is available for separate purchase to be used in a variety of fish sorting functions. Just connect the pneumatically controlled gates to your own control system or to our own FishlRecognition system to sort fish to the GateKeeper gate.


Developed primarily for live fish transfer and handling tasks in aquaculture, hatchery operations, and studies where the fish are already being handled and especially where transfer is difficult, dangerous, or inefficient. Made of lightweight aluminum, the SalmonCannon™ parts can be unlatched to yield three easily carried separate parts.


The Migrator tubes are the proprietary, flexible and durable tubes that transport the fish to the desired destination, either upstream or downstream of the barrier. The tubes can be fitted with misting ports to keep the inside of the tube lubricated for a stress free glide. For the fish it feels like they are swimming in one meter of water and riding an eddy upstream.

ASP Fishway Extension

A 10-foot-long aluminum section with internal baffles designed to modulate the flow, that can be joined together with other 10’ sections to form a fishway of desired length.

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