We are fish first innovators and clean renewable embracers.

What we know.

Food and energy are the two largest industries in the world today. 

Fish are the main source of animal protein in many parts of the world, often providing over fifty percent of the protein consumed. Hydropower alone provides over fifty percent of the electricity in more than forty countries. 

Climate change challenges the shared use of fresh water for fish, hydropower, and agriculture. 

The earth is in trouble.

We believe in the climate crisis, and we believe that it is urgent. It’s time to embrace all clean renewables as a global community, and accelerate the switch away from carbon based energies as quickly as possible. 

We believe hydropower is an important component of the climate solution, and plays a crucial role in reducing COemissions and the production of a carbon free grid.

We know that time is running out.

Our Mission.

We want to do our part for the earth, the fish, and generations to come. That’s why it’s a really big mission and requires significant public investment.

The problem of limited water resources and fish exists world-wide. There are over 1 million dams on the planet, including more than 85,000 in the United States. We create solutions that enable native fish populations to recover while simultaneously making more water available for hydropower or agriculture. 

We understand that the world needs both fish and agriculture to help feed the planet and its ever-expanding population. 

for the earth, the fish, and generations to come.

For those who do not live and breathe our mission every day, we understand. The anxiety and complexity of the climate crisis, its impacts, and how to heal it affects us too.

But we know that as a global community, our greatest risk is standing still. So we will keep offering better solutions for the fish, the planet and the generations to come.

Please join us. Together we will: