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Whooshh Innovations

Where fisheries management, science, and smart
technology harmonize … Whooshh

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Welcome To

Whooshh Innovations

Where fisheries management, science, and smart
technology harmonize … Whooshh

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Welcome To

Whooshh Innovations

Where fisheries management, science, and smart
technology harmonize … Whooshh

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Welcome To

Whooshh Innovations

Where fisheries management, science, and smart
technology harmonize … Whooshh

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About us

How are we different?

Better fish passage solutions means better choices.

Whooshh Innovations has its roots in Washington state agriculture. In 2011, while field-testing a model of fruit harvester to mechanically harvest and sort tree fruit, Whooshh CEO Vincent Bryan III observed helicopters flying overhead with large buckets.

About Our RadiusTheme Company

Water Energy

Our solutions can increase hydropower output and improve fish passage at one million dams worldwide.

The Environment

Our systems pass migrating native fish over dams in seconds, instead of days.

The costs

Our solutions cost substantially less than traditional fish passage options, so more environmental enhancements can be made with finite financial resources.

Here is how our solutions help.

Our Products

Product Offerings

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PassagePortal™ Model L

The Whooshh Passage Portal Model L is a complete, volitional entry, fully automated, land-based permanent selective fish passage system. It selectively sorts and transports most fish species. The automated successor to the Salmon Cannon, the Whooshh Passage Portal Model L safely transports fish beyond barriers, independent of height, by application of differential air pressure.

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PassagePortal™ Model F

The Whooshh PassagePortal Model F is a complete, volitional entry, fully automated floating selective fish passage system. It selectively sorts and passes most fish species. The automated successor to the Salmon Cannon, the Whooshh PassagePortal Model F allows migrating fish to pass safely over dams, without any dam height limitations, in protective Migrator tube on a misted soft cushion of air.

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A floating, invasive species fisheries control system. With volitional entry, automatic fish recognition, and selective sorting features, native species are identified and instantly returned to the river whereas invasive, undesired fish species are selectively removed, permanently. Remove invasive or undesired fish species and restore the natural food web with the Guardian.

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Where artificial intelligence meets natural resources. A cutting-edge commercial fish harvest system that identifies and releases fish bycatch on the spot. The automated sorting complement to the pound net and other targeted fish stock commercial harvest traps, the floating Harvest Select™ eliminates fish handling and minimizes bycatch injury potential and migration delay.

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The Selector™ is an autonomous fish management device that, through retrofit integration, is designed to convert weir barriers which prevent fish passage or fish ladders which provide fish passage to all species, both desired and undesired, into fish monitoring and sorting, selective fish passage devices. Converts all or nothing fish passage into deliberate sorting for selective species fish passage

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Fishl™ Recognition

High-definition imaging and computational processing system, the Fishl™ Recognition system has AI-enabled features and species recognition with computationally derived fish measurements. Hands free, real time fish imaging and decision making capabilities built in.

is the choice really no dams or no fish ? ... or is that politics, another barrier, which demands more effective solutions in today's environment?

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