Whooshh To Install Tuber System For Hoopa Tribe In California

I’m updating you from Maryland today where I have come for some customer and partner meetings.  Before leaving Seattle, I stopped in the shop to check on the status of the Tuber™ system our team was preparing to ship on its trailer for the trip down to California and a destination with the Hoopa Tribe for use with Chinook salmon.  It’s always an exciting time because it’s the precise moment when everything needs to come together, and all the planning and work reveal themselves.

The last couple of years, with the supply chain issues we all have heard about so often, the challenge of timing logistics has caused us to build in greater and greater lead times.  For example, the system control panel that is being mounted on the trailer in the image here contains processors, chips, and sensors that are uniquely configured and programmed for our product uses. Just one missing piece can upset the entire delivery schedule, and with migratory fish, you could miss the whole season.

This is no different than what happens to migratory fish when they encounter a barrier in a watershed, it upsets their nature driven delivery schedule as they try to complete their circle of life and spawn in their natal waters. If they don’t “deliver” on time, the next generation of fish is either lost entirely or at a severe disadvantage because they will be subjected to seasonal changes which their genetics are not as well equipped to handle at that stage of their lives, and the risk of a downward spiral for the species becomes more likely.

Over the years, we have found the tribes to be among the most receptive to our innovative fish passage technologies.  Perhaps it is because they are most in touch with the careful balance that mother nature requires, and the dependencies that all the elements require to be delivered on time and at the right location, to maintain nature’s balance. So, when someone asks me whether our passage systems, by enabling fish to pass dams quickly and safely is upsetting the Darwinian theory of “survival of the fittest” my answer is always the same: “No, I say, what we are doing is returning the river above the dam to its more natural state and assisting the fish for a timely arrival. Only when it’s a more natural and neutral playfield, can a theory like survival of the fittest be unbiased.”

As I reflect on these thoughts for this update, I realize how much thanks we owe to the tribes who have helped us better understand what the priorities must be, helped us develop better fish passage products than have ever existed before, and backed up their words by being among the earliest adopters of our products. So, thank you to the HoopaColvilleUCUTPuyallupSuquamishUmatillaYakama, help return our watersheds, environment, and climate to a more balanced natural state. Even when there are many barriers along the way, we can help today.

If you want to participate by owning shares in Whooshh Innovations Inc., you can, by directly investing in the Company.  It’s a great time to invest in our planet’s future.  Whooshh has developed the right resource saving products, just in time, to give us all more time. It’s time to Invest Now.

With Thanks,


Vincent E Bryan III, CEO

Whooshh Innovations Inc.