The ASPFishway™ allows fish to choose when and how to pass the obstacle, without relying on external stimuli or cues. This improves the survival and fitness of the fish and reduces the risk of predation or injury.
The ASPFishway™ can be customized to fit the specific characteristics of the site and the target fish species. The angle, length, and flow rate of the fishway can be adjusted to create the optimal conditions for fish passage. The ASPFishway™ can also accommodate different sizes and swimming abilities of fish, from small minnows to large salmonids.
The ASPFishway™ is made of aluminum, which reduces the structural weight and prevents corrosion. The modular design allows for easy installation and maintenance, and lowers transportation and labor costs. The ASPFishway™ is also resistant to debris and sediment accumulation, and can withstand harsh weather and environmental conditions.
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