How Dams Impact Climate Change

Addressing climate change requires a comprehensive and global effort that involves multiple solutions, including the use of dams for hydroelectric power generation. The issue of fish passage at dams is often overlooked in the context of climate change and how it affects fish populations by altering water temperatures or flow patterns, which can impact migration and spawning success. The construction and maintenance of fish ladders can require heavy machinery and concrete. Additionally, dams can disrupt the natural flow of rivers, which can affect the overall health of the local ecosystem. Non-native and invasive species often thrive in these altered environments. This can lead to reduced numbers and smaller size of native fish species, increasing the risk of extinction for certain species.

Several species of native fish species need help to navigate dams in this manner. Many species of salmon, steelhead, and other migratory fish rely on rivers that flow freely to access their spawning grounds. Dams can trap or delay these species below the dam, preventing them from reaching their spawning grounds and resulting in population declines and an increased risk of extinction. These changes also impact the survival and juvenile outmigration.

A Dam Easy Solution To Fish Migration

Whooshh Innovations aims to change public perceptions of dams and fish passage through our groundbreaking solutions and increasing awareness and a better understanding of the root causes involved. The PassagePortal and the famous SalmonCannon are designed to ensure native fish migrate safely, more quickly, and without spilling water. Comparatively to the cost of designing, building, and operating a customized civil engineering solution, our systems are modular, flexible, and relatively inexpensive.

We have developed systems that enable native fish to pass over dams in seconds to regain access to their spawning grounds. As a result, fish expend far less energy and experience less stress while reaching cleaner, safer, and more spawning habitat with fewer pre-spawning mortalities. Our approach does not require the use of concrete infrastructure or additional, unnecessary water consumption, nor does it permanently impact the environment. We’ve been able to reduce injuries, mortalities, and stress thereby improving survivability, fecundity, and, ultimately, the restoration of the fish.