Fish Passage
Fish Handling
Fish Passage

How does the underlying system work?

The system uses patented technology involving pressure differentials. Slightly greater air pressure behind the fish propels it gently through the tube. We have a great video where our VP of engineering Jim Otten explains this in great detail!

Is there any scale loss or damage to eyes?

No. With an average pressure of 1-2 PSI experienced by the fish, independent studies have verified that there is no scale loss, damage to their eyes, or other injury caused by the system.

How high can a Whooshh system transport fish?

 How high do you want to go?  700' or 230' meters is not a problem. Because we do not  move a column of water to move the fish, there is no practical height limit. There may be time transport limits, but if so, we have not encountered such project yet, even in systems  more than 1700' or 515 meters long.

What size range of fish can be transported?

 We have a range of Whooshh tubes  to accommodate a variety of sizes!  We have transported fish as small as herring and as large as sturgeon.  Our current comercial offerings are focused on fish ranging in size from  from approximately 2lbs (~1 kg) to more than 34 pounds (>15 kg).

How fast do fish move through the system?

 In a typical system fish will travel between 5 and 8 meters per second. 

How do you get fish in the tube?

They swim in through our Fish Faucet (false weir), gravity slide,  or hand fed into the entry. 

Fish Handling

How do you clean the system?

Our systems are cleaned using standard food processing cleaning agents and protocols (protein rinse,soap, disinfection) but we take advantage of using specially designed sponges transported through the tube for faster and easier cleaning.  We also have the advantage of being able to completely dry the system which creates an inhospitable environment for bacteria. 

Does the transport cause damage to fish?

With an average pressure of 1-2 PSI experienced by the fish, our tests and experience suggest there is little to no scale loss and no evidence of damage to their eyes.

Can fish go backwards?

Yes. Optimally though, it is preferred that the fish be transported head first due to the orientation of their fins upon exit.

Can systems be reconfigured or are they permanent installations?

 Our standard system is designed to be easily configurable. We can also design permanent installations.

How high can a Whooshh system transport fish?

 How high do you want to go?  Because we do not have to move a column of water, we have no theoretical limit. There may be practical limits, but if so, we have not encountered such project yet.

What size range of fish can be transported?

 We have a range of Whooshh tubes  to accommodate a variety of sizes!  We have transported fish from <1 kg to >15 kg.

How fast do fish move through the system?

 A typical system will move fish between 5 and 10 meters per second. 

How do you get fish in the tube?

The system entrance operates like a vacuum so when a fish is presented to the entrance, it goes.

How many fish can be transported per minute?

Our standard configuration provides for consistent transport up to 40 fish per minute. Higher volumes are achievable depending on specific system configurations.

Do you need to slow fish down at the end of the system?

If the fish is exiting into open waters, we may not need a deceleration system. If exiting to a confined area, depending upon the configuration, we have a variety of deceleration designs from which to choose and that are deployed.

Are there temperature operating limits?

The materials used to construct our tubes are rated from -60 to +300 degrees Fahrenheit. Because water is not used in the tube, except as a lubricant, the tube does not freeze and need not be drained. We do mist the tubes, which not only lubricates, but also helps keep the air in the tube cool.

What happens if a fish gets stuck?

We would never want to see that happen. In addition to the automated measuring of the FishL Regnition system, the Whooshh Migrator is  designed with a restriction at the entrance so a fish too big can’t enter a tube too small in the first place.

Can the tube go in the water?

Yes. Our tubes float. Depending upon the application, a protective barrier may be required to protect the tubes from debris.  It is recommended only where the current/flows are low and in the direction of the tube length.

How much water is used for transport?

 Our standard system uses water for lubrication only.  Auxiliary misters can be added if required. A standard mister uses just 9 gallons of water per hour. 

How robust is the system?

Each system has just three moving parts – that’s it. Collectively, millions of fish have safely moved through our systems.

How much power does a system use?

Depending upon the quantity, height, and length of transport, our systems generally require between 5-25 kw each.