Fish Canon Blog

Impact Investing

April 28, 2024


We are in our last two (2) days of our Reg CF stock offering which ends this month. You’ve probably seen some of our social media mentioning the generous Bonus shares we are making available to investors in this round. You’ve heard us talk about our mission which drives our actio...

04/28/24 07:04 PM - Comment(s)
Lonesome: Haunted by the Untold Elwha Story

Dear Tal,

My apologies for bringing up such a painful memory. I do see why it provided clarity on the question I asked.  As an apex species, if you don’t have enough food in abundance when you need it most, and the pod is always on the move hunting, I can see why this would be hardest on the mot...

12/17/23 04:01 PM - Comment(s)
Lonesome: Dealing with the Noise!

December 10, 2023


Dear Tal,

Thank you for getting back to me yesterday and agreeing to serve as an advisor.  I also appreciate the reminder that there was at least one sensible and practical solution that was put in place that really helped you out.  Requi...

12/08/23 11:00 AM - Comment(s)
Lonesome Larry Letter 1 of Many

Dear Tahlequah¹ ,

This is Lonesome Larry².  You can call me Lonesome. Can I simply call you Tal? To begin, I am so happy for you and your newest addition, little J-57°, although probably not so little today. I am sure you are proud, just as I am of all my prodigy. I am hoping you have recovered ...

12/08/23 11:00 AM - Comment(s)
How You Can Act and Impact

We hope this message finds you well and filled with the spirit of generosity that Giving Tuesday embodies. 

As we celebrate Giving Tuesday, consider the profound impact an investment in the environment and clean renewable energy can have on the world. By supporting innovation that prioritizes su...

11/28/23 04:05 PM - Comment(s)
Escalating Culvert Costs is Bad News for Salmon Passage

Huge spike in costs to help salmon could derail WA transportation budget

This past Sunday the Seattle Times ran the headline in red above. 

To summarize the article if you did not get the chance to read it:

The state of Washington is facing an unexpected challenge in its transportation budget, wit...

11/21/23 09:56 AM - Comment(s)
Our CEO's Conversation with Chat GPT
A fascinating discussion between our CEO and Chat GPT that calls attention to the risks of letting non-native shad, which have exploded in numbers in the Columbia River, alter the ecosystem while we ignore the probable impacts on salmonid.
11/07/23 10:51 PM - Comment(s)

We are pleased to report that our exclusive investor Q&A webinar was a hit! 

Due to popular demand, we’re excited to share our recap video of our latest discussion with you.

Here’s what you can expect:

During the Q&A session, attendees had the opportunity to ask CEO Vincent Bryan questions...

04/14/23 03:00 PM - Comment(s)

We are pleased to report that our exclusive investor Q&A webinar was a hit! 

Due to popular demand and feedback, we’re excited to share our recap video of our latest discussion with you.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • How we aim to accomplish our mission to save the fish, feed the planet,  g...

03/31/23 11:22 AM - Comment(s)

Whooshh Innovations has developed an innovative technology solution to a vexing worldwide problem. As climate change becomes increasingly pressing, producing more clean energy from hydropower while also restoring the ecosystem is more important than ever. Native fish are integral to the food chain, ...

03/24/23 02:30 PM - Comment(s)